$165.00 USD

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Returning To The One Within - Jan/Feb/Mar/May 2021

Tele-Dive Series

Module 1: Jan/Feb 2021: Returning to the One Within, Part 1

Sarah guides us into entering the Potency of Being within body, heart, and soul.  Within the field of Continuum, we explore the Blueprint of Health and Wholeness in Divinity.

Module 2: March 2021: Returning to the One Within, Part 2

We explore the Safety of Being within the Tapestry of our bodies. Breathing bones; breath; spherical wholeness; lyrical LOVE.

Module 3: May 2021: Returning to the One Within, Part 3

Finding freedom within our fluid bodies, we deeply nourish from our connection with the core of the Universe within. Celebrating our cosmic anatomy together, we dive.

Includes: 8 audio files.