Meet  Ajaya Sommers

Ajaya Sommers, RCST, is a gifted healer, teacher, writer, and creative catalyst in the field of Psycho-Spiritual Somatic Integration. For the last 25 years, she has been facilitating conscious evolution in hundreds of people’s lives. She designs and facilitates training programs for professionals, leads retreats, and offers both live in-person one-on-one as well as online group platforms. All of her programs are grounded in science, expanded through devotional practice, and made real through direct experience.

Ajaya is a certified Biodynamic Craniosacral Integration Teacher and an Authorized Continuum Teacher. She spent many years training with the founder of Continuum, Emily Conrad, and was authorized to teach by her. Since Emily Conrad’s passing in 2014, Ajaya has come forward with a unique discovery process that honors every aspect of your humanity ( your core developmental and evolutionary needs) as well as your Divinity as you follow your individual path to becoming a fully integrated self, at home in your body and your Life. This unique-to-you developmental process is most tangible when accessed through the Subtle Core of the body, which is identified as the central channel in Taoism and Yoga. Through gentle hands-on meditative guidance, conscious breath, sound, and movement. Core Embodiment ® Practices is the synthesis of 25 years of research and applied practice; an integrated system for embodied leadership that includes practices, principles, and perceptual orientations to catalyze your innate power and potential.

To learn more about the Core of Embodiment: Click here to view the video


For more information about Ajaya Sommers, please visit